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Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Spigola Cipolle Pomodori - Sea Bass with Tomato and Onions

A very common fish that you will be able to get with your fishing rod (or buy at the fishmonger!), is the sea bass.

The ingredients for 4 people are:
1 sea bass (2 pounds)
3 tomatoes
2 onions
2 lemons
I glass of dry white wine
Bay leaves
Olive oil, salt and pepper

Wash the sea bass and set it in an oven pan on a bed of freshly sliced onions. Slice the tomatoes removing the seeds and set them around the sea bass. Slice the lemons thinly and cover up the sea bass with the slices. Add salt and pepper according to your taste.
Pour a tablespoon of olive oil on top of the lemons, adding the glass of white dry wineand add one whole bay leave on top.
Set the sea bass in the pre heated oven at 200 Celsius or 392 Fahrenheit for 20 minutes.

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