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Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Coniglio con Miele e Verdure - Rabbit with Honey and Vegetables

In some countries rabbits are considered pets just as cats and dogs, however in countries like France, Spain, Italy and there fore in Tuscany, the rabbit is not considered a pet but live food stock. Some may be express some concerns about this, but if you visit Tuscany and end up in a restaurant where rabbit is among the entrees you may want to give it a try, or at least consider that you may end up eating a close relative of the rabbit, the hare. Very common are the Pappardelle with hare sauce, indeed!

To those who do not have problems with eating a rabbit or have changed their minds over this, I would like to propose the recipe of rabbit with honey and vegetables, for 4 people.

1 whole rabbit
80 grams of butter
4 carrots
4 turnips
100 grams of peas
100 grams of green beans
Half a glass of vinegar
1 table spoon of honey
Tarragon, Salt and Pepper

Chop it up:

In a medium size pan warm up the butter with the honey with the chopped up rabbit until the latter is lightly cooked on the outside.
Just as the rabbit pieces start to golden, add salt and pepper and remove from the pan keeping them in a warm place (a preheat oven at 50 Celsius is fine).
Lower the heat under the pan and pour the vinegar in. Let it evaporate slowly.
Meanwhile, boil the vegetables on the side for 5 minutes. If you steam them add some extra minutes. As soon as the vegetables are done put the rabbit pieces back into the pan and add the vegetables and minced tarragon.

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