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Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Party in Tuscany

Dear Friends,

Last Saturday I had the priviledge to participate in a �pagan� party that took place in the hills close to Montepulciano. During this party, which a friend had invited me to, people celebrate the day of the wheat harvest. All in all, it was a simple party, yet typically Tuscan as all people who had helped out throughtout the day celebrated the fruits of the bountiful harvest.

In a lot of places the harvest day is a beloved tradition, but here in Tuscany it is truly a feast!

After a hard day's work, men and women come together to cook regional dishes and to celebrate the overnight harvest with great food and wine as well as dance and song.

Here are some of the photos of this great night, I hope you will enjoy these pictures of our celebration of this beautiful Tuscan tradition.

Kind regards,


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