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Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Tuscany's Parks and Nature Reserves

Are you ready to discover new places that you won�t find inside your travel guide? Are you prepared to leave behind Tuscany�s artistic cities, its wine and its villages in an instant?

There exists another Tuscany, one that is authentic and beautiful, where trips are enjoyed and photographed. These are Tuscany�s parks and nature reserves � oases in the middle of nature where you�ll find rare plants and various species of animals. These parks, many of which have access and facilities for disabled people, are definitely some of the places which nature lovers should not miss.

Shown below is a map of the various parks and nature reserves in Tuscany. If you click on one of the butterflies, you�ll be given more information about that park:

View La Natura selvaggia in Toscana in a larger map

As always, I hope that this has been useful for you.

Kind regards,


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