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Wednesday, January 3, 2007

Some points to ponder: the true Tuscany in Italy

Why are there so many non Italian-Tuscany?

Especially in countries other than Italy where there is no real Tuscany, a lot of business is taking place and naming this hotel or that restaurant "Tuscany This" or "Tuscany That".

Maybe I am a little too harsh against the cheap tricks of business, but the solution would be so easy. Simple furniture, plain walls, some spare brick design on walls, wood, dried flowers, table cloths!. Ever been to Olive Garden? The opposite.

However there is one difficult thing to recreate about the Italian-Tuscany, and that is nature. Some of the landscapes and colors are really difficult to get anywhere else.

Considering what you can find in the Italian-Tuscany compared to the Somewhere-else-Tuscany, and how convenient is to get to Tuscany from almost anywhere in the world, it is difficult to find sucha an intriguing combination of advantages.

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