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Saturday, November 18, 2006

You think you are going to spend your new year's eve in Tuscany?

So, I got some suggestions for you that are thinking of spending your HO-HO-Holidays in Tuscany. But first, let me tell you a little about New Year's Eve in Tuscany.

New Year's used to be a very much felt family gathering time, though in the past ten or so years younger people have started to prefer spending the night away clubbing, or at some fancy hotel. Of course, nothing bad with this. The only thing is that Tuscany has roots that dwelve very strongly in the countryside and the land. The rythm of seasons and of cultivations has been the measure of time for centuries.

Little traditions such as family gatherings at New Year's Eve or Christmas are very much felt by the generations previous to this last one. Sure, times change and customs with them, but I cannot fail to feel a hint of nostalgia thinking of those evenings spent preparing the dinner altogether, slowly enjoying it around a table, talking about projects, hopes, or simply being together.
The after dinner games accompanied by the crackling of the fireplace, the submissive snoring of some elderly in his (mostly men, I have to say) preferred armchair, and the cries of the wee ones, roasted chestnuts crackling open, the taste of sweet wine joining that of dry fruits and Panforte...

Do you like the idea? I have some suggestions for you then!
If you are planning on coming to Tuscany and spend New Year's Eve while here, a good idea would be to rent a villa in the countryside, with a nice fireplace and a good refill of firewood, a fully equipped kitchen, a nice large table for your family members, cozy bedrooms where to snuggle up in the evening, and games and cartoons for the littlest ones!

Getting the necessary for the dinner won't certainly be a problem, and if you ask the owner of the villa to buy the groceries for you in advance, he or she will be glad to help you out, though this may cost you some extra money.

Like the idea of being in a villa but don't feel like cooking? Well then, why not going to some nice restaurant that offers an all inclusive New Year's Eve dinner?
All restaurants in Tuscany offer special meals for the occasion, and you can look for the cozy solution that will mediate perfectly between your own home away from home and a restaurant.

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