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Friday, May 31, 2013

San Gimignano: the medieval city of skyscrapers.

Without looking at the photo below, (possible too late now!) would you be able to name a perfectly preserved medieval citadel with 14 skyscrapers, and would you believe its existence?

No, well then I highly recommend you visit San Gimignano in Siena, in the beautiful hills of Elsa Valley to see such a miracle. There used to be 71 towers but over the years and various wars, in Italian history and beyond, have meant that only 14 have survived; a truly fantastic sight and a treasure that was declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1990.

The 14 towers that stretch to the sky and caress the clouds are like a community themselves: Each is a different height and was built for a family member of the dominating family at the time, and depending on his rank and height a tower was built accordingly.

During my visit I discovered the San Gimignano delle belle Torri when we visited in the morning and what a sight it was. The imposing and awesome buildings are truly a sight to behold and appear like a carefully constructed masterpiece much like an orchestra or concert. The juxtaposition of solid structure and great beauty is truly inspiring. The mighty towers rise to the sky and stand out even in Siennan streets with many beautiful buildings.

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The Citadel is definitely worth a visit and although it is small (having a population 8,000 inhabitants- not including tourists) the Citadel is rich in art and with a multitude of museums, palaces and churches to visit, guests can indulge in the glorious history and culture of the region.

One day is not enough time to see the entire city, and we just had Sunday to visit. So we decided to first see the splendid Cathedral (Collegiate) built in the twelfth century and a place of worship. ( We being my friend Glenda and I).

The city has many great frescoed walls (painted art on buildings) by the great masters of the fourteenth and XV, above all, Lippo Memmi, Taddeo di Bartolo, Bartolo di Fredi and Domenico Ghirlandaio himself. Yes, you read correctly GHIRLANDAIO: the artist responsible for the afresco on Chapel of Santa Fina, with a cycle depicting the life of the Saint, as well as the splendid "Annunciation" next to the Baptistery.

On the third Saturday and Sunday in June in honour of Santa Fina, there is a festival in San Gimignano called �Ferie delle Messi�. The festival is organised by the �Knights of St.Fina� who dress in medieval custom and parade through the streets with banners, armor, helmets and shields reminiscent of the time. If you visit at this time you will also be treated to a horse tournament named �La Giostra dei Bastoni� , it is a truly fantastic event which is a marvel to the eyes and an amazing scene in the beauty of this town.

Afterwards we ventured to the Pinacoteca and the �Museo Civico� in the Palazzo del Popolo, which is where Dante stayed in 1300 while he was here as Ambassador in Tuscany for the �League Guelph�; responsible for paintings and works of art it houses. Both Glenda and I were captivated and enthralled by the frescoe �The Scene of Marriage� by Memmo di Filippucci depicting the seasons or cycles of spouse love; the painting is delicate and emotional an unusual piece for the time.
We then stopped by the magnificent Church of St. Augustine, a thirteenth century build with a Rococo interior. The church was also remodelled by the great Luigi Vanvitelli in the eighteenth century, after marvelling at this awesome structure we went for a spot of lunch.

The city is also renowned for its white wine, of course the Chianti region produces phenomenal wine but San Gimignano has the best white wine in the whole region and in Italy. There are a great number of wineries here and in some you can have a tasting of the wine with some snacks. One of the most unique wineries is �Divinorum� and we had a sneaky look inside and it is simply stunning. The name for wineries here is Enoteche, and they punctuate the beautiful street and squares of the city and taking a stroll through here is like a day-dream.

We stopped for lunch at the Trattoria �ll Castello� located in Palazzo Gonfantini, a twelfth century restaurant in the centre of the Citadel. It is a marvellous medieval tavern which is divided into separate rooms. If you fancy sitting outside (we didn�t it was a little fresh) then there is a beautiful courtyard with panoramic views. We choose to dine in the palor�Limonaia� which is one of the smaller more intimate rooms. The food was sensational, traditional homemade meals with a wide range of meat dishes on the menu: from free-range chicken, veal and beef, to pork, wild boar and other small game.

Glenda had ravioli with basil and tomato, and I had fettuccine with mushrooms as a starter. For second course we shared Bistecca alla fiorentina (yearling ribeye) grilled on oak charcoal, and usually ways half a kilo. The restaurant has on hand a local wine expert (Paula who was great and very attentive) who recommended a red wine  Rosso di San Gimignano, and in terms of price is was reasonable (not rising to the vine). For dessert we took a glass of a sweet wine called Vin Santo and we had a delicious almond cake (Cantucci) also drenched in the wine.

The feast tasted like it was heaven sent and was perfect for rejuvenating us , getting us ready for more sights to see....

We had an amazing time and doubt that people can resist the temptations and amazing sights of this city.

We are planning another trip, are you planning your first?


Friday, May 17, 2013

Visiting Chianti, Tuscany

Dear Friend

Today I want to talk about the medieval Montefioralle Borgo, a wonderfultown located in the heart of Chianti (between Siena and Florence).

 Montefioralle is probably one of the oldest towns in the area, as it is referenced in documents dating from1000 AD, which speak of the ruling families who were probably from Lombardo.

The village, like most walls and castles of the time, was built on the highest hill in the area and offers visitors breathtaking views of the beautiful hills of Chianti.

 This village is one of my favouritesin the area with its unique geographical locationand the pretty streets. A walk throughMontefioralle is like travelling back in time.

Its medieval streets adorned withflowers are so relaxing, especially delightful in the spring.

Near the village of Montefioralle, there are also many bars which produce excellent wine. In fact the Chianti area, where Montefioralle is located, is considered one of the best areas for wine productionin Tuscany.

During my last visit, my friends and I participated in a great wine tasting at a bar called Montefioralle, eponymous with the village you can see here on the blog.

I hope as always that this information will be useful.

Best wishes


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Exploring Cinque Terre in Tuscany

Dear Friends

Tuscany is an extremely popular holiday destination and after several emails asking me for advice about the area I am writing with some helpful hints. The area that borders Tuscany is called Liguria and is home to Cinque Terre a rugged Italian coastline which is a pleasure to visit.

The main decision to make is how to travel to and around Cinque Terre, whether you choose to use public transport or hire a car or a scooter you can be sure of beautiful scenery. If you decide to use public transport then the train service from Pisa to Spezia takes about an hour or so, you can check the schedules at the website below:

 If you decide to hire a car then you can drive directly to La Spezia, where you can take the boat along the coast and discover the sights of the different villages that punctuate the scenery. Arriving by ferry is spectacular and you can check departure times at the link below

 I would highly recommend hiring a car and enjoying the scenic drive through the coastal villages as it gives you a great way of experiencing Italian beauty. The Ferry runs along the coast so guests can visit all the villages. I also would like to recommend the town of Portofino which requires a little further travelling but is very rewarding. If you disembark at Monterosso al Mare, which is the last stop on the ferry trip, then you can take the local train to Santa Margherita Ligure which is about a 45 -50 minute journey on the train. Once you arrive there you can take a local bus to Portofino.

The bus route is just one block from the train station and takes a couple of hours. In addition to the ferryboat tour of Cinque Terre there is also the public train service, as mentioned above the main station is La Spezia, and the villages of Vernazza, Manarola and Riomaggiore all have connections to it, so you can also discover the beauty of the area from the comfort of the train.

For those who plan to spend several days in Tuscany a day spent at Cinque Terre is a must. I recommend visiting in the first few days of the trip and allocating the whole day to this wondrous place.

 As always I hope this information will be helpful.

 Kind regards
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